Only Three Passes, Stay in Your Classes

The new bathroom pass policy raises controversy.


Amongst the changes this school year has brung, there has been the addition of a new bathroom pass policy. This policy stated that students only should be given permission to use the restroom three times per class, per quarter. Once these three passes are exceeded, the student will be escorted to the bathroom by administration. 

This policy has evoked passionate and conflicting opinions from all who have been affected, especially students. Senior Leo Escobar-Perez expressed that the guidelines feel juvenile and unjust.

“The fact that you have to have a pass, and after you exceed three passes you have to be escorted, I feel like that violates our right to privacy,”  Escobar-Perez said. “It’s kind of cruel. They’re treating us like little kids. Like, come on, we’re close to adults, and all of this is unnecessary.”

While the policy is still in its infant stages, some feel they can already see the end of the road. Sophomore Kyla Downs-Paprocki senses administration will soon grow worn out and incapable of meeting the demands the policy requires. 

“They’re (the policies) not gonna last this entire quarter. They’re (administration) just gonna get tired of it,” Downs-Paprocki said. “There’s not gonna be enough people to walk the amount of kids at this school and it’s just gonna take away time from people’s jobs. People have a job to do.” 

It’s not just students who have critiques on the new pass system. AP Psychology teacher Mr. Robby Hovel sees potential issues the policy could create for students and teachers as individuals, as well as their relationship in a classroom environment. 

“I feel like the bathroom pass system impedes on the teachers ability to be the authoritarian figure that takes care of the classroom management system,” Hovel said. “It hinders the learning process from the students, who possibly do need to use the bathroom for urgent reasons that are not pertaining to possibly going to the bathroom, like lady problems. Overall, it’s a flawed system that I think needs much revision for it to actually work.”

Although there seems to be a majority siding against the bathroom pass policy, there are some who are in favor of it. Curriculum Rep for the math department Ms. Laura Pollard doesn’t see an immediate issue in the matter as long as teachers stick with the rules. 

“I think if teachers are consistent with the policy, the effect on teachers and students is minimal,” Pollard said. “Students are realizing that they don’t need to leave the class, and they can wait to fill their water bottle until after class. Teachers have less disruption because, although it takes time to get and sign the pass, that is much less time than constantly walking over to the door to let students in the room.”

Similarly, Assistant Principal Mick Showalter sees the policy as having longevity and negligible negative outcomes for students and staff alike. In his opinion the policy is just, as even with the new policy there are numerous opportunities for students to use the restroom. 

“It’s realistic to uphold,” Showalter said. “I believe this policy will have a minimal impact on most of our students and staff. When you add up all the opportunities between passes, extended break and lunch, students have 99 opportunities to use the restroom during a 45 day period.”

cover photo by Brooke Tiedemann