Trapped in the Bird Box


Ever since the movie Bird Box came to Netflix on December 13th 2018, the internet has been exploding with memes based on the film. These memes range from making fun of the movie to attempting a normal day with a blindfold on.

This is just one Bird Box meme in an ocean of millions. The most well known Bird Box mean is called the “Bird Box Challenge.” This challenge is where people try to go through their daily lives while wearing a blindfold, as seen in the movie. This is not only strange, but very dangerous, as it has cause a few accidents on the road. One in particular happened when a teenager drove her car into another, claiming to be attempting the “Bird Box Challenge.” The seventeen year old was lucky that she did not lose her life or hurt anyone around her in the accident. The minute she decided to get on the road blindfolded risked the lives of everyone around her. The teenager could be fined 2,500 dollars, or even go to jail, as she can easily be tried as an adult. All of this is because of an internet meme making her think it would be a great idea to drive without her eyes.

“This accident is very bizarre. Seriously, the amount of power that social media has on us is insane,” says sophomore Lennox Francis.

Seeing that people have been running around the streets pretending to be in the popular movie, it makes sense that more precautions would be taken to make sure that this does not happen.  Netflix has advised its viewers to stop attempting the “Bird Box Challenge,” because it is very dangerous and not worth it just to get attention online.

“I am not surprised that something like this happened, personally. People today are becoming foolish, and shows that modern society needs to get better as a whole,” claims sophomore Dylan Loeb.